What I can do for you

Software Engineering — scaling, tested and clean

Are you planning a frontend or backend application by using the power of JavaScript? Let me help you organize, build and scale your application. I have many years of professional experience developing well thought out application using JavaScript.

I'm have a extensive knowledge of JavaScript, and of frameworks build around it, like React, Redux, Angular, GraphQL Client, Styled Components, Jest, Webpack, and many more. If there is a framework you are using but not in this list, I'm sure I can use my knowledge to pick that up.

My skill don't end with JavaScript, I have understanding of containers, cloud services, continues integration and deployment, and don't shy away to cross programming languages. I'm enthusiastic about good software

Style Guides — pages, modules and elements

For a long lasting application a style guide is of great importance. A style guide will list the pages, modules and elements which are making up the application. Communication between different departments will be easier and clearer. Everyone has access to the current state of the application and can create new things based on it, without guess work.

There are so many advantages towards a style guide, some are that designers can use it to make up new modules of already existing elements. Developers can use it to create speedily new whole section of your application. Product Owner have an overview and can organize new features based on that. Communicating with other companies who work with you and building on top of your application, can start quickly and reliable.

The software used is depending on your team, the main principle is to have a bridge between the design tools and developers tools. For example Figma for Designing the application and Storybook for development. These two application can sync the elements created. Storybook allows to embed Figma Files alongside the code base while the component is integrated, and embed the real developed component into Figma.

Modern web — desktop, mobile and offline

The modern web goes further then responsiveness. What happens when you customer is offline, can shopping be continued? In best case the user can add more products and will be able to checkout as soon internet is back.

Have all your customers the chance to have a good experience, accessibility increases your market and makes customers less frustrated. Are you providing a personalized experience, each person is shopping differently. Shopping is an example which can be applied to mostly all sectors.

However it does not exclude responsiveness, make your application fast and user friendly with responsive design and web features.

  • Render images which have the correct ratio of quality and file size
  • Use the current effect and events depending on devices
  • Provide modern browsers with modern code and don't ship fallbacks